Discover our atmospheric recreational building

Discover our atmospheric recreational building

For parties, special occasions, business meetings, and so on!

Everything completely arranged for you

Everything completely arranged for you

The location for business meetings

The location for business meetings

Business meetings, brainstorming sessions and meetings

Atmospheric room for several custom packages

Over the past year, we have created a beautiful recreational room where you can host all kinds of parties and celebrations.

Whether it is a business meeting, a cozy birthday party or a wake: our atmospheric recreational building

offers plenty of possibilities. Of course you will want for nothing, and we will arrange everything for you to a T.

We would love to welcome you at this location for a cup of coffee and a non-binding, personal talk about your wishes,

and during which we can supply you with all the information you need.


Suited for all kinds of occasions:


Meer informatie

Because we would like to take our time for you, we would like to ask you to call us to set a date for a meeting; 0031529-451378. Or contact us through the form below.

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